Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

This is a service that allows you to receive SMS from a specific website, social network, or application that requires user verification by confirming a phone number, for a small fee. By using our service, you will maintain confidentiality, and you will not need to use your personal phone number, for example, to receive a one-time discount on a website. Or, you may need many verified accounts with a phone number for a social network to promote your product or business, but it is not profitable to buy a large number of SIM cards for this purpose.

In most cases, a virtual number is necessary in such situations as:

  • Register an account in a messenger and/or social network without using your phone number and without buying a new SIM card, thus preserving your anonymity.
  • Get a discount, bonus, or promo code for registering a new customer on various sites where you have already registered and used your number, but want to get more.
  • To promote your business, service, or product and do mass mailings without using your personal account. You can create hundreds or even thousands of such accounts for promotion purposes.
  • Mass registration of accounts for various social networks to then sell them on various exchanges.

This is just a few examples of using virtual numbers, in fact, the list can be endless, and Get-SMS will help you achieve your goals and become a reliable partner for you.

At the moment, the affiliate program and other privileges for our regular clients are in the final stages of development. We are considering a reward strategy for users in different situations, which will be beneficial for both parties in the cooperation with Get-SMS.

Not all of the answers to your questions are presented here. Read a more detailed FAQ.

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if you still have questions on which you have not found an answer

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